Friday, February 11, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Emily vs. Madeline at 5 weeks

I know I shouldn't compare my kids because they are their own little person but it is so hard not to!  I am remembering all the little things Emily did as a wee baby and can't help but compare Madeline to her developmentally.
At 5 weeks Emily started smiling and cooing.  Madeline has yet to do these things, but she does try and engage in conversation which I find pretty cute!

Breast feeding has started to become quite a challenge.  Emily went on a nursing strike around 4 months.  She preferred the bottle over the breast two months after I went back to work.  It was so frustrating and heart  breaking for me that I finally gave up trying and pumped exclusively until Emily was 14 months old.  We were both much happier.

Madeline is starting to act the same way at 5 weeks old.  I held off giving her a bottle until she was three weeks old this time around. She will sometimes refuse the breast and take the bottle right away. I will start her on the breast but if she starts getting angry, I get a bottle.

At the end of the day I am not going to frustrate myself or my child or let her go hungry just for my selfish want for her to nurse.
I see myself becoming an exclusive pumper again sometime soon.

Sleep has been great!  Madeline is pretty much sleeping through the night.  She usually goes down around 10:30 or 11 pm and sleeps until 4 or 5 am, eat and then sleep again until 9 am.  She is still sleeping in our room.  I am slowly starting to transition her to the crib upstairs.  That should be fun!

Madeline is growing out of her newborn clothing and is filling out the 0-3 month size pretty well already!  I have noticed that Madeline is a lot fuller than Emily was at this age.  She seems to be growing like a well watered weed!


Here is a comparison of Emily (top) and Madeline (bottom) at the 5 week mark.  They look nothing alike, except for their outfit :)