We took Emily to Washington, DC last year and it was pretty disastrous with the teething and screaming nights and no naps. So yeah. This year we went sans kids! Thankfully we had family who were willing to watch them while we were gone. Gotta love family!
We had a BLAST! We flew there and it was pretty seamless. Very easy and quick. I love flying but I love short flights even more. After about 30 minutes in the air, I tend to get pretty bored.
We spent the first night just walking around the city. We ate dinner at The Barking Crab. A cute little crab shack on the water. We both enjoy crab, but I really love it! I couldn't get enough of it. We got a total of 4lbs of crab, fries and grilled veggies. We ate it all! I could have had more though. It was sooo delicious!
Then we took the T (subway system) to Revere Beach. It was beautiful! The beach was nice and the water was refreshing. Adam and I found some shells and cool rocks to bring back home. We also got these humungous hot fudge sundaes from a little ice cream shop on the beach. Picture this: A swirl of vanilla soft serve, hot fudge drizzled all around the ice cream, TONS of whipped cream, jimmies and a strawberry on top! I would have taken a picture, but the homemade whipped cream it was topped with started falling over! I had to eat quick!
After the tour we headed over to The New England Aquarium. It was pretty cool! We both share a love for fish and other aquatic species. They had a cool sting ray touch tank. I didn't realize how slimy those rays are!
In the very middle of the aquarium, there is a HUGE tank filled with turtles, fish and more sting rays! There was a walk way spirling up to the top of the tank where it was wide open and you could look down into it. This turtle was trying to find a way out!
The next day (our anniversary) we decided to do a Whale Watch Let me just start out by saying that was one hell of a boat ride! The watch was on a high speed catamaran boat that could hold about 150 people. We were lucky (sarcasm) to be on the boat with two middle school groups who pretty much took over the entire boat. The water was getting choppy as we got farther out and at some points we were getting air on the waves. Pretty crazy! I actually started to get really sea sick. I mean really. I was ready to vomit the choppier it got. About 30 minutes out, the captain announces that we must turn around. The weather was not cooperating and was not ideal to see whales. Bummer!! Event hough I was sooo sick, I still wanted to see whales! Adam was pretty disappointed too. His plans for the day were not going as planned. He wanted the day to be special. This is pretty much how we both felt and looked as we docked in.
After we gained our stomaches back, we went to walk around the little shops and find a place to eat lunch. Then we went back to the hotel to get ready for our evening! Adam made reservations for Top of the Hub at the Prudential Building. It was so pretty inside. We snagged a table by a window. All great and all expect for the fact that it was so foggy that we couldn't see out! Bummer! We still had a blast though.
Adam ordered the Salmon. It was served with sweet potatoes and the salmon was on a cool piece of cedar.
I ordered the 2 lb. lobster dinner. It was stuffed chock full of lobster and topped with a crab and ritz cracker stuffing. It was delicious!!
We ordered this amazing blueberry and peach cobbler for dessert. It was the best cobbler I have ever tasted in my life!
The next day we walked The Freedom Trail. We saw The Paul Revere House and The USS Constitution Boat just to name a few. It was quite a walk! I think we must have walked about 5 miles that day. We were totally exhausted that night!
We ate dinner at Quincy market and headed back to the hotel for the night. We had to get ready to leave the next morning.
We drove home instead of taking a plane back for a couple of reasons. I was producing milk during this entire trip and I was really nervous that they wouldn't let me travel with 80+ ounces of milk. Plus I had NO BABY. So yeah. Talk about suspicious! Also, we thought a drive would be nice. Sort of a way to prolong the last day of vacation. It was a pretty nice and easy drive back. we made it home in about seven hours or so.
All in all we had a GREAT trip!