Monday, December 20, 2010

37 weeks......FULL TERM!!

Whoa!  I can't believe I made it!  (okay, I can)  It has been a long road to get here.  I have been pregnant for all FOUR seasons.  My clothes don't fit anymore and I am so uncomfortable, especially when baby girl is trying to exit out my belly button!
I am almost prepared and ready.  The car seat is installed, but my hospital bag is non-existent.  I have the baby's stuff out on the dresser, but the diaper bag is still sitting on the nursery floor stuffed full of Emily's old stuff.  My plan is to get to it this week.
I went to the doctor on Thursday and I was 2 cm dilated.  (YAY!)  Don't get too excited.  That really doesn't mean much.  When I was pregnant with Emily, I walked around for 2 weeks at 3cm 100% effaced.  I am still planning on holding out until 1/11/11 :o)....if baby cooperates!  Yes.  I am crazy for wanting to prolong this process!

Emily and Adam eating "dinner"

Emily kept pulling adam into the dining room to eat "dinner". You can see the italian coming out in her when she keeps telling Adam "more, more"

Emily Dancing with Milk jugs

One morning we caught her dancing around with the recyclables!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Running out of time

I feel as if I am running out of time.  In about 5 weeks our family dynamics with totally change.  Never to be the same again.  We will have TWO kids instead of one.  I feel as if I am running out of time with Emily.  Just Emily.  This weekend Adam had to work both days.  We spent the entire weekend together.  Just her and I.  Saturday we had her cousin's birthday party to go to, and saw some family that night, but other than that we were home together.

We woke up on Sunday and watched Polar Express while snuggled in my bed.  Then we played, went to Wegmans and back home to nap snuggled on the couch.  I just held her tight, staring at her little face as she slept close to me.  Remembering when she was my little baby.

Her little world is about to change and she has no idea. I can't help but feel just a little sad/guilty that she won't be the center of attention anymore.  We won't be able to devote all our time to just her.  I honestly don't know how she will deal with a sibling.  Everyone tells me that it will be a transition. Which is fine to say.  I don't appreciate the people who like to tell me how horrible it is going to be. She is already pretty temperamental!!  She has the whole independence thing going strong.  If she doesn't get her way or we do something for her, all hell breaks loose! Then sometimes she wants us to do things for her.  Such a fun age.