Monday, September 12, 2011

Maddie: Eight Months!

 Madeline is now a crawling, babbling happy eight month old!  She is getting cuter and more animated by the day.  Her strawberry blond hair is finally starting to fill in.  She still has a ways to go though.  I can't wait to be able to put little bows in her hair!  In the picture below, I did manage to add a clip to her hair.

She just started crawling!  She mastered sitting up and soon after that, started lunging forward onto her belly. Her big sister Emily is not too thrilled about this new development though.  Maddie wants to be involved in what ever Emily is playing with which in turns makes Emily very upset.  Ah, the joys of being a toddler!

I am not too sure about the weight gain or the other stats.  We haven't been to the pediatrician since she was six months old, but my prediction is that she is about 14-15 lbs.  She has really started to fill out since being on solids.  This girl loves to eat!
She has 4-5 cubes of fruit mixed with baby oatmeal for breakfast. A 5 oz. bottle for snack, then 3-4 cubes of a veggie for lunch. A 5 oz. bottle for snack, then jar of food mixed with a meat and a bottle for dinner.  Then she has about two more 5 oz. bottles before bed.  Sometimes I throw a baby yogurt in there if she still seems hungry after her meal.
She loves yogurt.  She gets so excited when she sees the container and instantly opens her mouth and flaps her arms.

She also loves to snack on:

Her sleep patterns have gotten a bit hard to deal with.  She used to go down for the night around 8 pm and sleep until 8 am.  Now she has been staying up until 9 pm and waking up at 7 am with a night feeding in between.  Yes.  She has been getting up around 2-4 am to have an early morning snack.  The doctors and books I have read say to NOT feed her, but let her cry so she understands it is sleep time and not time to eat/play/get out etc.  I'm sorry.  I just can't do that.  If I know my child is hungry, I am going to feed her. I am the one who has to deal with her, not the doctors.  Feeding her for 5 minutes and putting her back to sleep is much easier than listening to her scream for 45 minutes.
She does really well with naps though.  She usually takes a short nap in the morning and then a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons.

I am anxious to see her growth from the past three months come October!

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