Welcome to our new blog! I figured with our expanding family trying to keep up with more than one blog would just be way too much. I can barely keep up with the two I have so for now on, check this one for updates on both kiddos.
Lets start with Emily. She is growing and changing more each and every day. Ever since she hit two, she has really blossomed into a little girl. She can speak sentences and can actually vocally let us know what she does and doesn't want.
She is still a little peanut at 21 lbs, 34 inches tall. She is in size 24 month clothing, but it is a little big on her. I am pretty sure she will stay in this size for the entire year which will be great for my wallet!!
She loves baby dolls. She feeds her baby, changes the diaper, puts it to sleep and pushes it all over the house.
We went to the pumpkin patch a couple weekends ago. It was a lot of fun! Emily had a blast looking (and finding) a pumpkin just for herself. There was a petting zoo, but she was a tad afraid of the animals up close so we took a raincheck on that. Her favorite part was helping mommy push the cart with the perfect pumpkin!
Family pumpkin patch photo
So many to choose from!
Helping mommy push the cart with our pumpkins!